Shiroi Koibito Park, the factory for the range of Shiroi Koibito chocolate products in Sapporo. It is now one of the main tourist attractions in Japan. I was there for one whole day and it was like stepping into the magical land of chocolate. I really felt nolstagic as I was not only brought through the whole process of chocolate making, but also got to view this whole display of toys played by kids from all over the world, including Hello Kitty, planes, cars, trains, tops, etc...Lol... It really reminded me of Charles Dickens' Charlie's Chocolate Factory as I toured this park. Lol... I kept telling my two tour mates, Weili and Jingping that the park would perfect if it is theme park with rides. As I've mentioned in the previous entry, the shiroi koibito biscuits literally melt in your in your mouth. It is not complete without the chocolate drink which is probably as good if not better than the Godiva milkshake. チョコレートやっぱり最高だよ!Chocolates probably make the most heavenly (though extremely sinful =P) dessert and beverage in the world! At least for me... =P
doesn't look japanese imo :p
hello seems the factory was nice enjoy ur weekend :) (eden here)
wahhhh... i wan some biscuits n chocs chocs! pretty pls *blink blink* hee
why no photos of youuu? haha
lazy gal update ur blog!
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